NEBULA4.1 , March 2007 This issue of Nebula is our largest volume to date, spanning over two-hundred and eighty pages, including nineteen articles by eighteen different authors, widely divergent topics, three independent mentions of Lao Tzu by three unrelated authors, and some rare and impressive scholarship across the board, not to mention impeccable creative work .... what more could an editor ask for? What other reward more fulfilling? -Samar Habib, Editor.Contents:
Note on contributors. i-iv Maria Beville. "The Gothic-postmodernist "Waste Land" of Ellowen Deeowen: Salman Rushdie's Nightmarish Visions of a Postmodern Metropolis." 1-18 Tara Brabazon. "Mobile Learning: The iPodification of Universities." 19-30 Chung Chin-Yi. " Hyperreality, the Question of Agency, and the Phenomenon of Reality Television." 31-48 Danny Dawson . "The Witch: Subversive, Heretic or Scapegoat?" 49-70 Owen Elmore. "Apophasis, Aletheia: William Faulkner's The Hamlet ." 71-83 Matt Ferrence. "Home Sweet Roadhouse." 84-89 Karen Heise. "The Rhetoric of Love." 90-106 Robert Hull. "Nietzsche's Jesus" 107-115 Christopher Kelen. "Lao Tzu at the Border." 116-129 Christopher Kelen. "Playing with the Dao De Jing: Poems and Pictures." 130-142 Anton Karl Kozlovic. Christian Communication in Popular Cinema: Cross Imagery, Cruciform Poses and Pieta Stances." 143-165 Hatim Mahamid. "Franks' Effect on Islamic Spirit, Religious and Cultural Characters in Medieval Syria." 166-183 Olukoya Ogen. "The Agricultural Sector and Nigerias Development: Comparative Perspectives from the Brazilian Agro-Industrial Economy, 1960-1995." 184-194 Federico Sabatini. "A Long Term Voyage." 195-197 Jordan Sanderson. "As If: The Construction of a Practical Fiction in D. H. Lawrences The Rainbow ." 198-217 Rotimi Taiwo. "Language, Ideology and Power Relations in Nigerian Newspaper Headlines." 218-245 Stephen Gennaro. "Sex and the City: Perpetual Adolescence Gendered Feminine?" 246-275 Jendele Hungbo. "Credible News Measures: A Medium's Integrity." 276-284 Babak Rahimi. "Iran: the 2006 Elections and the Making of an Authoritarian Democracy." 285-290