Nebula 3.1, April 2006
Editor's Note
Click HERE to read about our contributors and their work i-iv.
Mary Lyn Broe. "Xtreme Makeover For Academics" 1.
Rodney Sharkey. "'This is my Body; Take this all of you and have some fun with it!?' Reading Rock DJ?" 2-18.
Grayson Cooke. "Human - 1 / Cyborg - 0: A Personal History of a Human-Machine Relation" 19-30.
Joshua Suddath. "Petals in the sand" 31-44.
Teresa Jones. "Mam'zell Boy-Scout" 45-64.
Maria Cristina Nisco. "Dark Histories, Bright Revisions: Writing the Black Female Body" 65-72.
Jesse Zanavich. "An Analysis of the Opium Situation in Afghanistan" 73-80.
Nicole McNamara. "Uprising" and "Scars and Strings" 81-84.
John Parras. "Poetic Prose and Imperialism: The Ideology of Form in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness" 85-102.
Michael Angelo Tata. "Warholian Machinehood" 103-121.
Kathy Hughes. "Incest and Innocence: Janey's Youth in Kathy Acker's Blood and Guts in High School" 122-13.
Guido Monte. "Interior Mind" 131.
Samirah Alkasim. "Tracing an Archeology of Experimental Video in Cairo" 132-152.
Nicolas Mansito III. "Bridging the Gap Between the Scholar and Society" 153-172.